Monday, August 07, 2006

Mexico and Israel

In Front Page Magazine, Allan Wall writes about a recent diplomatic tiff between Israel and Mexico over the current crisis in the Middle East:
It all began when a group of Mexican intellectuals and magnates published a statement in a newspaper, criticizing Israel for the conduct of its war against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Israeli ambassador to Mexico David Donnan struck back, arguing that by placing all the blame on Israel, the document encouraged terrorism.

This was too much for the SRE (the Mexican foreign ministry), which reprimanded the Israeli ambassador for overstepping his bounds as a diplomat.
As the article points out, the diplomatic exchange has some interesting implications: not only does it affect issues concerning the interference of one nation in another's affairs - it also throws a searching light on the question of relations between Mexico and the U.S. Among other things, the article notes that
Mexico’s aggressive lobbying abroad contrasts with its hypocritical denunciations of Israel’s rhetorical self-defense at home.

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