Thursday, August 17, 2006

Repression of Cuban Journalists

Tomorrow, August 18, is an international day of protest on behalf of 25 journalists currently being held in Cuban prisons by the Cuban government. Most of the journalists are in poor health, serving lengthy sentences, and being subjected to ill treatment under harsh conditions.

The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) lists the names of the imprisoned journalists, who are serving terms ranging from 1 to 27 years, as:

Ricardo González Alfonso; Víctor Rolando Arroyo; Normando Hernández González, Julio César Gálvez; Adolfo Fernández Sainz; Omar Rodríguez Saludes; Héctor Maseda Gutiérrez; Mijaíl Barzaga Lugo; Pedro Arguelles Morán; Pablo Pacheco Avila; Alejandro González Raga; Alfredo Pulido López; Fabio Prieto Llorente; Iván Hernández Carrillo; José Luis García Paneque; Juan Carlos Herrera; Miguel Galván Gutiérrez; José Ubaldo Izquierdo; Omar Ruiz Hernández; José Gabriel Ramón Castillo; Léster Luis González Pentó Alfredo Felipe Fuentes; José Manuel Caraballo Bravo; and Oscar Mario González.

The IAPA is appealing for mass editorials in newspapers and other media to highlight the journalists's case, to urge their release, and to call for an end to Cuban government harassment of independent journalists.



The American Thinker
Val Prieto/Michelle Malkin
Uncommon Sense
Wall Street Cafe

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