Sunday, September 03, 2006

Beslan Demonstrators Arrested by Police

Moscow demonstrators holding an unsanctioned rally in memory of the victims of the Beslan siege have been detained by police, reports, citing Interfax.

The report says that police would not allow the demonstrators on to Lubyanskaya Square to the Solovetsky Stone memorial (which commemorates the victims of Stalin's terror).
Participants in the demonstration stood for two hours near the metal barriers on the Polytechnic Museum side. On the asphalt next to the barriers they placed flowers, children's soft toys, photographs of the children killed in Beslan, and lit candles. At the very beginning of action the colleagues of law-enforcement agencies arrested 13 people, including the demonstration's organizer - executive secretary of the "For the Rights of Man" movement Lev Ponomarev. (my tr.)
Those detained, among them young women whom police officers had raised up from the asphalt, were taken into riot police vehicles, an Interfax correspondent reported.

Police also tried to detain Yabloko deputy leader Sergei Mitrokhin and deputy of the Moscow legislature Ivan Novitsky.

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