Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Israel Project


Help Israel: Fight terror television and media manipulation

May 2006 National poll: Which two information sources are most important in shaping your opinions of international affairs and US foreign policy?

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Help Israel fight terrorist propaganda with truth. Sign up to receive our FREE newsletter to learn how The Israel Project educates the media so they can accurately report on Israel.

Every day we see terrorist propaganda masquerading as unbiased news on TV, radio, in print and on the Internet. This misinformation is part of a larger plan to eventually destroy Israel by first turning world opinion against it through the media.

The plan can work because research shows that the media are the most important sources of information that shape voters opinions on foreign affairs (see graph at right).

Al-Manar, Hezbollah’s Iran-sponsored TV station spends $15 million a year to spread hate and lies worldwide. Both Hezbollah and Hamas have slick PR experts working to manipulate reporters from around the world. In Lebanon, Hezbollah spun fake photos and staged media opportunities that were covered in major international media.

How can you be sure that TV and newspapers aren’t filled with lies about Israel? Sign up for our free newsletter to learn how The Israel Project (TIP) educates the media so they can accurately report on Israel.

Understand how we work with 6,000 journalists around the globe – informing them before they write their stories so they can get the Israel story right.

Hezbollah’s and Hamas’ multi-million dollar terror television and media efforts spin reporters, resulting in Middle East news coverage from the terrorists’ anti-Israel viewpoint. Find out with your free newsletter how supporters of Israel are on the front lines in the media war. Learn how to fight terror television and anti-Israel slurs that undermine Israel’s security and increase anti-Semitism around the world.

Click to receive your insider newsletter by postal mail. You’ll see proactive, behind-the-scenes efforts in action, helping to win the media war for Israel.

Click now to receive your free newsletter. Help Israel fight terrorist propaganda with truth.


Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi
Founder and President
The Israel Project

P.S. As Israel is facing threats from Hezbollah, Hamas, Syria and Iran, YOU can make a difference. As the President of Iran has said, he wants to “wipe Israel off the map” – request your free TIP newsletter so you can be part of making sure that Israel is here to stay

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