Thursday, September 28, 2006

North Caucasus Conference Transcripts

The Jamestown Foundation

Transcript and Speaker Papers - North Caucasus Conference, September 14, 2006

The transcript and speaker papers from the September 14 North Caucasus conference at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace are available below:

  • Transcript: Panel I
  • Transcript: Panel II
  • Transcript: Keynote Speech by Dr. Paul Goble
  • Transcript: Panel III
  • Transcript: Panel IV
  • "Military Jama'ats in the North Caucasus"
    By Andrew McGregor
  • "Putin, Kozak and Russian Policy Toward the North Caucasus"
    By John Dunlop
  • "The Russian Military Campaign in the North Caucasus: Is a Victory in Sight?"
    By Pavel K. Baev
  • "Islam in the Northern Caucasus - Dagestan"
    By Mikhail Roschin
  • "The Chechen Resistance: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow"
    By Mairbek Vachagaev
  • "The Rise and Fall of Arab Fighters in Chechnya"
    By Murad al-Shishani
  • "Karachaevo-Cherkessia: An Inside Look"
    By Fatimat Tlisova
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