Saturday, September 23, 2006

Norway Terror Plot - II

A few more updates on the Oslo terror arrests, seen from a local Norwegian perspective:

* The lawyer for the 28-year-old Norwegian Pakistani says that his client did make a remark about "cutting the Israeli ambassador's throat" (this is apparently what is on the recording - not "beheading" her, as reported elsewhere) - but that it was made during a heated discussion, and was not intended to be taken seriously. (Dagbladet)

* The 29-year-old Norwegian Pakistani has been under surveillance by Norwegian and foreign police since June 23 this year. Norwegian police say that during this period the 29-year-old has sent regular text messages to and exchanged phone calls with a female reporter employed by Norwegian television station TV2's news section. They were in a close personal relationship, according to police. The recorded conversations between the two show the expression of "radical Islamist attitudes" on the part of the 29-year-old. The reporter has been suspended from her post. (Nettavisen)

* The third suspect, "of foreign origin", is a Norwegian Turk.

* Dagbladet reports the 26-year-old ethnic Norwegian as saying that the intended target of the attack was a small Bunnpris grocery store located some 400 metres from the U.S. embassy, and not the embassy itself. The aim was to rob the grocery store. The 26-year-old denies having anything to do with the shots that were fired at the synagogue.

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