Thursday, September 21, 2006

Shots Fired at Oslo Synagogue - II

A 29-year-old Norwegian Pakistani man is among 4 suspects charged by Norwegian police with a terrorist attack on an Oslo synagogue on September 17.
Oslo, Sep 20 (Online): A 29-year-old Pakistani origin man with links to the criminal A-gang is among the four suspects arrested on Tuesday and charged with firing on Oslo’s synagogue last weekend, Aftenposten’s Norwegian reported.

The man was arrested in Germany this summer, suspected of participating in the planning of a terrorist attack on the soccer World Cup there. He was released quickly.

Last week he was arrested again, this time charged with threats against crime journalist Nina Johnsrud from the newspaper Dagsavisen.

Police suspect him of having something to do with shots having been fired against her house this summer, but he was released after 24 hours.

Update: Norway's Nettavisen has details of the suspects:

De fire siktede, en norskpakistaner (29), en norskpakistaner (28), en nordmann av utenlandsk opprinnelse (28) og en nordmann (26), blir fremstilt for varetektsfengsling fredag formiddag klokken 11.

The four accused, a Norwegian Pakistani (29), a Norwegian Pakistani (28), a Norwegian of foreign origin (28) and a Norwegian (26), will be brought before the court to be remanded in custody on Friday morning at 11 am.

The four men planned an attack on the US and Israeli embassies in Oslo.

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