Saturday, October 21, 2006

Estonian Parliament Statement on Georgia

Via The Parliament of Estonia (Riigikogu):



The Riigikogu expresses its concern for the state of Georgian-Russian

During the past weeks, the Russian Federation has unjustifiably implemented an extensive economic and social blockade against the state of Georgia and its citizens:

- issue of visas has been stopped;
- transport and postal services between
the two countries have been discontinued;
- Georgian products continue to be
- Georgian citizens are ostracised in Russia; among other things the
repressions are directed against the children of Georgian citizens;
- different levels of Russian state powers and the media instigate anti-Georgian attitudes;
- high officials of the Russian Federation have repeatedly
vilified the state of Georgia and have challenged the legitimacy of its state powers.

The Riigikogu considers these steps taken by Russia to be in sharp conflict with the principles of international relations. Continued presence of foreign armed forces on the Georgian territory inhibits the development of the state and does nothing to foster the resolution of latent conflicts.

The Riigikogu stands for democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms in Georgia and in Russia, and condemns all manifestations of xenophobia and racism.

The Riigikogu condemns the sanctions applied by the Russian Federation against Georgia and its citizens and calls on Russia to discontinue the anti-Georgian sanctions and reinstate the normal diplomatic relations.

The Riigikogu supports the path towards democracy and freedom chosen by Georgia, its strivings in regard to NATO and the European Union, and acknowledges the success achieved in this direction.

The Riigikogu calls on Georgia to ignore provocations and avoid taking steps that might be interpreted as provocative.

The Riigikogu calls on the parliaments of the Member States of the European Union, the European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly and other international parliamentary organisations to pay immediate attention to this critical phase in Georgian-Russian relations.

The Riigikogu calls on the Government of the Republic and citizens’
organisations to make all possible efforts in order to assist the state of
Georgia and its citizens in overcoming the consequences of the blockade and in strengthening the young democracy in Georgia.

President of the Riigikogu Toomas Varek

Tallinn, 17 October 2006

(hat tip: MAK, Leopoldo)

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