Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Russian Intelligence Helped Hizballah - II

More, this time from MosNews, on the Haaretz and Jane’s Defence Weekly reports on Russo-Syrian aid to Hizballah during the recent Israel-Lebanon conflict:

Syria’s centrality to the collection and transfer of intelligence to Hezbollah is based on separate agreements Damascus signed with Moscow and Tehran on intelligence cooperation.

The agreement with Russia is much older than the one with Iran, which was signed earlier this year.

As happened with the significant numbers of advanced Russian anti-tank missiles procured by Syria and transferred to Hezbollah, Russia found itself operating indirectly in favor of the Lebanese Shi’ite organization in matters of intelligence.

In addition to the profits from arms sales to Syria, the Russo-Syrian intelligence cooperation benefits Moscow in terms of the actual first-hand data collected by the listening posts.

Russia is also involved in assisting Syria to enlarge two of its ports on the Mediterranean, Latakia and Tartus. Reports of this development have emerged only recently.

See also: Russia May Relocate Warships to Syria

Russia and Syria

Russian Intelligence Helped Hizballah

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