Sunday, November 05, 2006

Found in Translation

I’m pleased to see that FILI - Finland’s literature information centre - has published a presentation on the translator Hildi Hawkins, who won this year’s Finnish Government Translation Prize. Many of Hawkins’ translations have been published in the literary journal Books from Finland:

Now in its 40th year of publication, Books has published translations of more than 300 literary authors and an untold number of prose and non-fiction writers. Over the years, Hildi Hawkins has translated thousands of pages for the magazine. Many Finnish writers were presented in English for the first time through Hawkins’ work for Books from Finland. Her English translations include works by Umayya Abu-Hanna, Kristina Carlson, Ranya Paasonen, Pirjo Hassinen, Olli Jalonen, Väinö Kirstinä, Leena Krohn, Rakel Liehu, Markus Nummi, Markku Paasonen, Irja Rane, Pirkko Saisio, Asko Sahlberg, Raija Siekkinen, Anja Snellman, Katri Tapola, Jari Tervo, Eeva Tikka, Maarit Verronen, and Hannu Väisänen.

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