Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Myaskovsky and Prokofiev

As Dmitri Gorbatov has pointed out in the guest book at myaskovsky.ru, the correspondence between Sergei Prokofiev and Nikolai Myaskovsky was published in Russian in 1977 as a volume of some 700 pages, under the editorship of Dmitry Kabalevsky. Although a selected correspondence of Prokofiev appeared in 1998, edited and translated by Harlow Robinson, it contains only a few of Prokofiev’s letters to Myaskovsky, and none by Myaskovsky himself.

It would indeed be useful to have the 1977 volume in English translation. But as Mr Gorbatov suggests, such a project is unlikely to awaken the interest of English and American publishers any time soon. While the music and biography of Shostakovich appear to be enjoying something of a publicity “boom”, if such a word can be used in such a context, other 20th century Russian composers are suffering from an undeserved neglect.

Incidentally, the Russian text of the Myaskovsky-Prokofiev correspondence has been scanned and uploaded to this URL.

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