Thursday, January 18, 2007

Alexander Litvinenko Television Program

Netherlands Public Broadcasting (NPB) has released a 50 minute program about Alexander Litvinenko. Among other things, the film contains an interview Litvinenko gave to Dutch television in 2004. There are also interviews with Alexander Litvinenko’s father, and with Akhmed Zakayev.

It’s possible to watch some excerpts from the film on YouTube, at these links:

Interview with Aleksander Litvinenko (English-language)
In memoriam: Aleksander Litvinenko (Dutch. English)

There is also a Frontline Club video of Litvinenko talking about Anna Politkovskaya’s murder here.

RFE/RL’s Russian-language service has published a review and transcript of parts of the Dutch television program, and I hope to present an English translation of some or all of this fairly soon on this blog.

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