Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Paet: Russia now attacking EU

From Postimees (my tr.):

Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet said that in attacking Estonia, Russia was attacking the European Union. He also promised to submit to the government on Thursday proposals on measures that the EU could, in the opinion of Estonia, take on Russia.

Paet said that these measures should have an impact on Russia, so that Moscow would cease its attacks and interference in the internal affairs of other states and comply with the Vienna diplomatic convention. These attacks on Estonia, according to Paet, are both psychological and actual.

According to the head of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the eve of the riots representatives of the Russian embassy met with the organizers.

The minister said it has become clear that the cyber-attacks on Estonia are coming from specific computers and individuals, and their traces even lead to the administration of the Russian president.

“These measures cannot but affect the EU’s relations with Russia as a whole,” Paet said. - “We consider it necessary that the EU should react to Russia’s behaviour with the utmost seriousness “.

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