Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Peres in Estonia

From Mari-Ann Kelam in Tallinn:

“BNS and Estonian TV reported that in response to a question at the press conference, Mr. Peres called the relocation of the so-called bronze soldier an Estonian internal matter. “Your government handled it with great care and great wisdom.” He added that “foreigners” should “take care” in commenting on the topic of the statue. Mr. Peres also compared Estonia and Israel, noting that both nations are small in size, but great in achievements. Both nations got their freedom, but Estonia has peace, Israel still does not have peace. He said that the opening of the new synagogue was very moving for Jews. Mr. Peres laid a wreath at the Holocaust memorial in Klooga and took part in the ceremonies opening the synagogue. He met with Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves and Foreign Minister Urmas Paet. (Summary translation of BNS report by MAK. The quotation is from the evening news on Estonian TV.)”

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