Saturday, July 25, 2009

Medvedev makes oblique threats to Georgia, U.S.

In an interview for NTV, Russia's President Medvedev has made what appear to be oblique threats to the Georgian and U.S. governments:

"We have no diplomatic relationships with Georgia and this is a result of the aggression of the Saakashvili regime. There are no inter-state relations, although very warm, historical relationships tie us with Georgia. We have endured much with this people, we have gone through 'water, fire and brass pipes' together. We want these relations to continue. Regimes like that of Saakashvili come and go, but feelings and relations remain.

"There is another issue we are concerned about as well. It is pulling countries into different organizations and military blocs. Our stance regarding this issue is unchangeable and our and America`s positions do not coincide with each other," Dmitry Medvedev said.

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