Thursday, June 03, 2010

Gaza links

Some links and headlines from the media and blogosphere:
  • The Irish-owned MV Rachel Corrie is still headed for Gaza.
  • Turkish newspapers have reported that three of the four Turkish jihadis killed during the boarding of the Mavi Marmara by IDF troops had declared their readiness to become shaheeds, or martyrs.
  • IDF footage of demonstrators aboard the Mavi Marmara preparing and initiating the armed confrontation.

  • At Standpoint, Joshua Rozenberg has republished an IDF document which gives an assessment of the legality of Israel’s military operations off Gaza this week.
  • US Vice President Joe Biden has said that Israel has the right to stop the ships bound for Gaza.
  • The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report is publishing intelligence digests and articles about the flotilla, which it says is largely composed of organizations tied to the GMB.
  • The former commander of British forces in Afghanistan has said that Israeli troops should not be blamed for the deaths of activists on the Mavi Marmara.

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