Sunday, September 11, 2005

Beslan Mothers Demand Shepel's Resignation

September 11, 2005


"Mothers of Beslan" demand resignation of Deputy Attorney-General Shepel [my tr.]

The "Mothers of Beslan" are deeply angered by the statement of Deputy Attorney-General Nikolai Shepel, who heads the working group of investigators in the official inquiry into the tragedy in North Ossetia, that the act of terror in Beslan was the work of international terrorists. As Ella Kesayeva, a member of the "Mothers of Beslan" committee, said on the "Moscow Echo" radio station,"this statement is a continuation of the chain of lies."

"The prosecutor's office knows the national composition of the gang just as well as we do. We cannot understand why there is so much lying, what aim is being pursued by this lying, and who stands to gain advantage from it," said the representative of the Mothers of Beslan". "We are deeply angered by Shepel's statement that the gang, which was composed of inhabitants of adjacent republics, is `international terrorism'."

"This statement demonstrates once again that the official inquiry is frantically doing everything it can to cover up the crimes that were committed in Beslan's School No. 1 during the assault, when children were burned alive by Bumblebee missiles and fired on by tanks and flamethrowers", said Kesayeva.

"For international terrorism no one has the slightest responsibility – this is not what we expected after our representatives' discussion with Putin," she added.

According to her, the "Mothers of Beslan" will try to secure the removal of Shepel from the post he occupies.

// Gazeta..Ru

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