Sunday, September 11, 2005

Beslan Mothers' Meeting with Putin Brought No Result


[my tr.]

The meeting of residents of Beslan with Vladimir Putin "has brought absolutely no result", Ella Kesayeva, member of the Mothers of Beslan committee, stated on the "Moscow Echo" radio station. "The President said that he was guilty and that there would be an objective investigation. But the facts are these: Shepel’s statement that the terrorists in Beslan were drug addicts, that they were international terrorists who illegally penetrated into Russia – that is what followed after President Putin’s assistance for an objective investigation", she said.

"Do you think Shepel is speaking on his own behalf? It’s quite clear - he is saying what they are telling him to say," Kesayeva added. "We were expecting that people would change their minds, that the federal authorities would at long last tell us at least some kind of truth. But here is even more untruth, an even more brazen lie than before,” concluded the representative of the Mothers of Beslan.


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