Friday, October 06, 2006

Bildt New Swedish FM

Carl Bildt, who was leader of Sweden’s centre-right Moderaterna party from 1986-1999 and Swedish prime minister from 1991-1994, is to be the new foreign minister in the recently elected centre-right government of Fredrik Reinfeldt, Dagens Nyheter reports.

As the DN article states, “over the years Bildt has built up a solid international network of contacts and has held several top international posts, including that of chief EU negotiator in the Balkans during the 1990s. He has extensive contacts with leading politicians in Europe, the US and the Former Soviet Union.”

Other appointments in Fredrik Reinfeldt’s government include Beatrice Ask (Justice Minister), Sven Otto Littorin (Labour Minister), and Anders Borg (Finance Minister).

Carl Bildt’s weblog is here.

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