Friday, October 06, 2006

Czech Intelligence Foils Mass Murder Plot

The Jerusalem Post reports on a plot to kidnap and murder dozens of Czech Jews in Prague which has now been foiled by Czech intelligence. The revelations came in the newspaper Mladá Fronta Dnes.
Muslim extremists affiliated with an unnamed group planned to abduct Jewish residents of Prague and hold them hostage in one of the city's synagogues and stage negotiations with local authorities.

However, the group never intended to release the hostages. Rather, the kidnappers planned to make unrealistic demands, and then, when their demands went unmet, blow up the building and its occupants.

The report did not mention whether any suspects in the plot had been arrested.

Two weeks ago, the Czech government raised the level of alert and increased security at a number of locations, but did not specify why.

See also: Terror Alert in Prague
Terror Alert in Prague - II
Oslo-Prague Link
Oslo-Prague Link - II

Update: It seems that the terror plot is global. Mark Regev, Israel's foreign minister, has issued a statement (JP):

"The Foreign Ministry is aware of attempts by Muslim extremist groups to carry out attacks on Israeli representatives and Jewish communities throughout the world and is taking all the necessary steps in order to prevent them," Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev told Army Radio on Friday.

Reuters has more here.

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