Sunday, June 05, 2005

An Invitation

RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 9, No. 105, Part I, 3 June 2005


Ingushetian Interior Ministry acting spokesman Murad Zurabov denied on 2 June that three Polish television journalists were detained in Ingushetia, ITAR-TASS reported (see "RFE/RL Newsline," 2 June 2005). Zurabov said all three were invited to Interior Ministry headquarters "for their own safety" after a threat was received to take foreign nationals hostage. According to, the three men were detained on 29 May in Nazran following an official visit to Chechnya last week during which they shot unauthorized footage of Russian forces. They had hoped to return to Grozny to interview Chechen officials. LF

At chechnya-sl, a poster comments:

Just for the record, a few remarks on this story when reading some articles about it in the Polish press. M.L.

Russian Interior Ministry couldn't explain to the media why the Polish journalists were detained. On the questions from the media, the Russian MVD anwered that the Poles filmed military objects, then that they didn't have valid documents, then that they left their organized tour-group.

Nobody takes seriously explanations of Ingush FSB that this detention had to save the Poles from kidnapping. My understanding is that the journalists wasn't happy with materials filmed during their official trip with their minders, and took some
extra video-clips on their own.

And btw according to the Polish paper Rzeczpospolita, as of Saturday, the Polish consul who went to Nazran, hasn't been able to get back those video-cassettes recordings confiscated by the FSB from the Poles.

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